this is an image of dr. Asbah shams, who works an a productivity & time management coach for muslim female entrepreneurs.

Hey, I'm Asbah

I help busy muslim female entrepreneurs optimise their time, get proactive on their goals & create elite results in their business, while being a present, joyful mom & a mindful muslimah.

My method involves evidence-based research in neuroscience & psychology integrated with the wisdom of Quran & Hadith.

I'm a doctor, a mom of two, a multi-passionate creative & a cat-lover.

When I'm not helping my clients achieve their goals, I'm baking banana cupcakes for my kids.

How it started...

Ever since ninth grade, I was preparing to be a doctor. While doing my MBBS & MD, I toiled hard & relentlessly to become one. 

I was a high-performer throughout university, wrote 15+ scientific papers & secured a high-paying job at a multi-speciality hospital.

 I had expected that life would get better. And it did. It did get better in terms of the amount of money I earn & the respect I had in society.

But did I have more time for myself?

Did I feel like I belong somewhere outside my line of work? No.

My profession was 100% of my identity. And when I quit my job in 2019, before the COVID pandemic hit, because I wanted to spend time with my six month old daughter, I got stripped off that identity.

Burnout & overwhelmed, I realized that my whole life, I had spent all my energy time and focus on building a job description.

And it was destroying me.

  • I am a muslimah, a mom of two, a wife, and a whole person apart from my job description.
  • And I wanted to spend my time according to the roles I played and the goals I had in my life.
  • I wanted to spend time going for a walk early morning rather than rushing for office.
  • I wanted to spend my weekends playing with my daughter, rather than preparing presentations for the next week.
  • I wanted to be mindful & earnest in my Ibadah.
  • I wanted to unlock the passionate creative within me. 

How it's Going ...

Today I work 9-5 as an Assistant Professor in a medical college, take care of my two under-five kids, work with my clients to give them the transformation they deserve & above all, show up as a muslimah every day.

I found a great mentor, worked on developing a high-performing mindset & skills, carried out deep research into the psychology & neuroscience of high performance & applied that knowledge into becoming an ever-evolving better version of myself.

Every day, I live with intention & purpose. 

I’m still the same person, but without the self-doubts & the limiting beliefs holding me back. 

I have learnt how to harness my potential & create elite results for my business & my clients. 

All it takes is a little introspection, some mindset work & a lot of patience.

With the right mindset, the right skill-set & the right mentor, you can change the course of your reality & open up portals of new possibilities. 

Ready to Transform your reality?

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