Maryam Syncs Her Cycle : Unlocking Hidden Superpowers
A busy muslimah mumpreneur’s journey into working smarter, not harder,…
A busy muslimah mumpreneur’s journey into working smarter, not harder,…
A busy, overwhelmed, 30-something mom entrepreneur’s journey to a Grammy-worthy 2024
Hajj Guide for Sisters – Resources, Lists, Duas Assalamulaikum sis,…
I had my second baby four months back. Alhamdulillah for…
20’s is a defining period of our life because it’s in the 20’s that most of our goals are set, habits are created, earlier connections are built and we are primed for the life that has to follow. In this blog post, I discuss how we can make our 20’s more actionable and take better decisions for ourselves. It includes a not-so-subtle list of things that we should do or not do in our 20’s with relevant real-life examples and explanation.
Do you beat yourself up for not being productive enough…